-August 2020-
Dena Porter
Dena Porter revels in action—decisive moments that she freezes forever in her photographs. Porter’s saturated colors help us see that her compositions, however, are not random but come from a keenly sensitive eye that takes in her surroundings through her viewfinder. Porter says, “The time slot I was assigned to shoot at the fair last year included the late afternoon, so I was in search of bright, contrasting colors. To me, what makes the fair intriguing and unique are the bright colors, flashing lights and
unique activities.” Porter describes herself as a street photographer, most often in urban settings. She shares, “I enjoy capturing people’s interactions in the midst of urban architecture. Photographing the Ag Fair was a dramatically different environment in which to capture people’s interplay with these impermanent structures.” She continues, “Having photographed the fair for two years now, it awakened an interest in capturing colors in ways that I’d not done in my urban architecture work. It’s a new interest and I’m excited about doing more.”
Text by: Abby Remer 2020
sizes & pricing available upon request.